


PACS publishes commentaries monthly on issues pertaining to Chinese Studies, the Chinese in the Philippines, and other topics affecting Philippines-China relations. The objective of Viewpoints is to offer fresh insights and perspectives on these areas of interest. Commentaries represent the personal views of the author and not the official position of PACS.

1111, 2020

    Philippine Resident Retirement Visa: Why the Chinese are in the Philippines

    By |November 11th, 2020|Categories: Philippines-China News, Viewpoints|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

    By Ivy Ganadillo Nov. 11, 2020- Just as news [...]

    1310, 2020

      As Great Power Rivalry Heats up, China’s Neighborhood Diplomacy Gets a Boost

      By |October 13th, 2020|Categories: ASEAN-China, China, Philippines-China News, Viewpoints|1 Comment

      by Lucio Blanco Pitlo III Oct. 13, 2020-- A [...]

      1009, 2020

        Countering Terrorism 19 Years After 9/11: The Imperative for US-China Cooperation

        By |September 10th, 2020|Categories: PACS News, Philippines-China News, US-China Relations, Viewpoints|0 Comments

        by Rommel C. Banlaoi Note: This is the first [...]